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RGSA Executive / Voting Members are elected annually for a two year term at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held each year in September (please consult RGSA Constitution & Bylaws for schedule).

Non-Voting Members are either appointed annually at the AGM, or by the Executive when needed.

We encourage all parents, players and family members to consider volunteering for a position to help support the smooth operation of the association.

RGSA Executive / Voting Members are elected annually for a two year term at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held each year in September (please consult RGSA Constitution & Bylaws for schedule).

Non-Voting Members are either appointed annually at the AGM, or by the Executive when needed.

We encourage all parents, players and family members to consider volunteering for a position to help support the smooth operation of the association.

Voting Members - 2024-25

Role Name Email


 David Yam

 Past President

 Al Groff


 1st Vice President

 Barry Riva

 2nd Vice President

 Michelle Akizuki


 Stacey Mathot


 Karen Campbell



 Rep Committee Chair

 Kelly Sagert

 Equipment Manager

 Adam Cyr

 U5 / U7 Coordinator

 Stephanie Clain

 U9 Coordinator


 U11 Coordinator

 Spencer Cook

 U13C / U15C Coordinator  Emi Dyck

 U17C / U20C Coordinator

 Carlos Adan

 Adult Women's Coordinator  Tracy Sherlock



Executive Director

The Executive Director is a paid position that is new for the 2023-2024 season; this position is to be reviewed and appointed annually by the RGSA Executive. This is a non-voting staff position.

Role Name Email
 Executive Director  Al Groff


Non-Voting Members - 2024-25




 House Chair  Dave Lexier


 David Bailey

 Deputy Umpire-In-Chief


 Bronwen Marchant


 Tournament Director

 By Committee

 Assistant Tournament Director(s)

 1st Member - Fields

 Kelly Sagert

 2nd Member - Ballthrow / Photos

 Chris Back

 3rd Member - Trophies

 Tom Watt

 Gym Allocator

 Al Groff


 Barry Riva

 Uniforms (Rep & House)

 Stacey Mathot


 Jasmine Marchant


 Bronwen Marchant